There are a number of reasons why we use paper cups in our campaign.
1. Paper cups are cheap, and affordable. Just about anyone can get themselves a paper cup as a symbol.
2. They are inclusive. We can all afford to give away a paper cup to the most needy in our communities. Anyone can participate in this campaign.
3. They symbolise a commitment to caring for the natural world, to use its resources responsibly. If I said get yourself a plastic cup, it just wouldn’t be the same.
4. Cups symbolise victory and triumph in the sporting world. Through participation in this campaign we can all hold a cup that means something important to us.
5. Cups have religious and philosophical meaning too. Its one of the most zen like statements in the Gospels that to get more knowledge, we have to empty the vessel first. We can do this with small change.
6. It also has Jewish meaning, think my cup overfloweth with love to paraphrase Psalm 23.
7. Cups are said to be half empty and half full. I like to think the empty cup is waiting to be filled and the full cup is waiting to be empty.
8. Paper cups shows solidarity with other charitable organisations who give coffee in paper cups to the poor and lonely.
9. Cups are little, and with one thing, we will indeed sweat the small stuff. I like little things
10. Your suggestion. What do you think the cup might symbolise. If you are a skeptic or a scientist or a Buddhist or an environmentalist or any other thingist please tell us what it would mean to you.
CONTEST: The best three suggestions will at least get their name on our list of founders. You’ll also get a free T shirt if I can find someone to make them.

One response to “WHY A PAPER CUP? + CONTEST

  1. My thoughts went straight to ‘water’ when I first heard about the use of a paper cup in this campaign. The poor state of a Great Barrier Reef is in some way representative of the poor state of the large bodies of water on this planet Earth – the oceans. A paper cup makes me think of water which links my thoughts back to the oceans and to the Great Barrier Reef.

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